Alby-sur-Chéran (Chéran being the name of the river) is located 10 min away from Annecy and 20 min from Aix-les-Bains and it is also...

Annecy le Vieux, not the same as Vieil Annecy!
Annecy le Vieux and the Old Town of Annecy are 10 km away so be sure not to confuse them! Annecy le vieux is now the fourth biggest city...

Pont des Amours (Lovers' Bridge)
The best spot for lovers to take wonderful photos! It is said, that before, it was a meeting point for prostitutes, but I prefer the...

Saints de Glace?
Saints de Glace (Icy Saints) used to be a catholic tradition which happens every year on May 11th,12th and 13th. According to the...

Morels time!!!
The morel is to my point of view the best mushroom, so much flavour! I should not tell you but the season is starting!!! For me, it is a...

Swiss motorway
To use the Swiss motorway, you need to buy a "vignette" every year which is actually valid for 14 months (for example, the 2015 vignette...

Croziflette in 40 minutes!
The croziflette is a local winter speciality! Because of our Italian influence we also make pasta here, the Crozets are some square...

Annecy Venetian Carnival
Annecy's nickname is the "the Little Venice of the Alps" because of the historical center and canals. So ARIA (Association Rencontre...

Lunch at L'Alpin
Update:change of owner (now a famous French singer M Pokora)! Last week end, I had some friends from Paris coming over so we went for...

Annecy Castle and its Legend
The historical symbol of Annecy, its construction extended over four centuries (from the 12th to the 16th). The counts of Geneva made it...