First, let me introduce myself : I'm a real "Haute Savoie" Girl as I was born here.
But I traveled a lot when I was younger, that's a very long story ... First I did a 2 months working experience in Québec, Canada then I went to Cardiff, University in Wales as an Erasmus student for a year.
As I wanted to see the world, I worked on Ships for different cruise lines for 6 years as an Assistant Cruise Director. After I stopped in lovely St Barth for 2 years where I worked in a beautiful hotel as a receptionist.
When I came back to Annecy jobless I realized that most taxi drivers did not speak English so I started my own business 11 years ago.
The blog is not an official blog about Annecy, it is just a way for me to show you a few things about the area and share photos with you.
Il you are a bit curious or need some infos about Annecy from someone always on the road please contact me!
I am happy to say that I love my job, I am independent and meeting lots of people. Every day is different and for some reasons funny things happened to me most of the time.
I do medical transfers for people from Massingy and surroundings, transfers for disabled people, business trips and also transfers for tourists from Geneva airport to our beautiful city of Annecy. So every day I am seeing different kinds of people from different nationalities.
And one Australian customer told me to start a blog to share my experience and knowledge about the area, so here I am.