
Alby-sur-Chéran (Chéran being the name of the river) is located 10 min away from Annecy and 20 min from Aix-les-Bains and it is also where I live.
it is a medieval borough who used to live from shoe making industry until XIX century, it has now 2000 inhabitants. You can now visit the Museum of Cordonnerie.
The historical center with cobbled stones (near the City Hall) has beautiful arches (built in the 14th and 15th century, they are paved with peddles from the Chéran) and a fountain.
There is a touristic game there called "Follow the fly" ( , shoe makers used to nail some fly wings on the shoes and also fly fishermen were numerous at the Chéran so the fly is like a symbol there. The game has 11 steps with questions about the story of the place, the answers are hidden just a few steps away.
You can walk on 2 bridges with amazing view on the Chéran river, the Pont Neuf was built in 1828 but blown out in 1944, le Pont Vieux, a toll on the road from Annecy to Chambéry was also blown up in 1940 and rebuilt with stones.
The Chéran takes his source in the Bauges mountain then flows into the Fier, it is famous for trout fishing. In 1867, a local found a nugget of gold of 43.5g.
You have two restaurants: "L'arcadie" (see an another article on my blog) and "La Ripaille". Also do not miss, "Les petits Galets" tea room owned by an English woman married to a French! There is also an art gallery and lovely jewelery shop.
Once a year there is a medieval party all week end! Like a flahsback!