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Sophie la Girafe!

Giraf toy made near Annecy

I am not sure if you know this baby toy, but guess what? It was created and is still made by Vulli factory in Rumilly (20 km from Annecy).

The girafe was born on May 25th in the year 1961, on Saint Sophie's day.EndFragment


In those days, the only animal toys available were farm animals and pet figures ...

That is why one day in France, a certain Monsieur RAMPEAU, who was an expert in transforming the latex from the HEVEA tree using the rotational moulding of rubber as a toy-making concept, came up with the idea of designing a girafe. Such an exotic wildlife figure would be a first on the market, and its size and shape would be ideal for a baby's small hand to grasp.

Sophie la girafe, who looked exactly the same than she does today.

She was an immediate success. Young parents immediately recognized that she was a must for their baby... When the first signs of teething appear, Sophie la girafe helps babies stop crying!

StartFragmentBy simple word of mouth, the little giraffe's fame spread. From then on in Europe, generations upon generations of children were to love hearing Sophie squeak whenever they pressed her tummy or head!EndFragment


To this day, Sophie la girafe is still "traditionally" produced, a process that involves more than 14 manual operations.

She is made from 100% natural rubber derived from the latex of the Hevea tree.


StartFragmentWith sales of over 50 million units, she is the undisputed star for the very young.EndFragment

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